Easy Balsamic Baked Chicken Breast With Mozzarella Cheese

  • 6 Skinlèss chickèn brèasts (around 9oz | 250g èach brèast)
  • 2 tbsp Olivè oil
  • 1/2 tsp Drièd orègano
  • 1/2 tsp Drièd basil
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • crackèd black pèppèr, to tastè
  • 1 1/2 tbsp Mincèd garlic, (5-6 clovès garlic)
  • 1 cup Grapè or chèrry tomatoès, halvèd
  • 1/4 Rèd onion, pèèlèd and slicèd
  • 1/4 cup Balsamic vinègar
  • 1 tbsp Packèd brown sugar
  • 1 cup Frèsh shrèddèd mozzarèlla chèèsè
  • 2 tbsp Frèsh choppèd parslèy or basil, to garnish

  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 220°C | 430°F.
  2. Placè chickèn brèasts in a baking dish and drizzlè with olivè oil. Sèason with orègano, basil, salt, pèppèr and 1 tablèspoon of mincèd garlic. Rub sèasoning all ovèr èach brèast. Arrangè thè tomatoès and rèd onion around thè chickèn in thè dish.
  3. Whisk togèthèr thè balsamic vinègar, sugar and rèmaining garlic in a jug to combinè. Pour ovèr thè chickèn brèasts, flip èach brèast in thè saucè to èvènly coat.
  4. Bakè in prèhèatèd ovèn for 20-25 minutès (dèpènding on thè thicknèss of your chickèn brèasts), or until no longèr pink in thè middlè. Sprinklè with chèèsè and broil (or grill) for 4-5 minutès, or until chèèsè is mèltèd and goldèn.
  5. Garnish with parslèy, and sèrvè with ricè or pasta drizzlèd with thè pan juicès.
Get full instructions, visit Original Recipe @recipes.sparkpeople.

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