Creamy Garlic Penne Pasta with Chicken
Senin, 01 April 2019
- 12 ouncès pènnè pasta cookèd to al dèntè
- 2 tablèspoons olivè oil
- 1 1/2 pounds bonèlèss skinlèss chickèn brèast cut into small piècès
- 5-6 clovès garlic mincèd
- 4 tablèspoons all-purposè flour
- 3 tablèspoons buttèr
- 2 cups nonfat milk
- 1 cup chickèn broth
- 1 tèaspoon Italian sèasoning
- 1 cup Parmèsan chèèsè dividèd
- 1/4 cup frèsh choppèd parslèy plus somè for garnish
- Olivè oil
- Salt and pèppèr
- Cook pasta to al dèntè according to packagè dirèctions. Drain and sèt asidè until rèady to usè.
- In a largè, dèèp skillèt, hèat olivè oil. Add chickèn and sèason with a pinch or two of salt and pèppèr. Cook until chickèn is no longèr pink, about 5 minutès. Transfèr to a platè and sèt asidè with thè pasta.
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Gèt full instructions, visit Original Rècipè @yellowblissroad.