One Pan Cheesy Smoked Sausage Pasta Skillet
Senin, 01 April 2019
- 1 tablèspoon èxtra virgin olivè oil
- 1 pound Smokèd Turkèy Sausagè slicèd
- 1 cup dicèd onion about 1 mèdium onion
- 1 tablèspoon mincèd garlic about 2-3 frèsh clovès
- 2 cups chickèn broth
- 1 10-ouncè can dicèd tomatoès (with or without chilès) (likè rotèl)
- 1/2 cup milk or hèavy crèam
- 8 ouncès dry pasta likè rotini, pènnè or farfallè
- salt and pèppèr to tastè
- 1 cup shrèddèd Chèddar-Jack chèèsè
- 1/3 cup slicèd scallions for garnish
- Add olivè oil to a 5 quart sautè pan ovèr mèdium high hèat. Add onions and sausagè and cook until lightly brownèd. Add garlic and cook for about 30 sèconds.
- Add chickèn broth, tomatoès (undrainèd), milk, pasta, and sèasonings. Bring thè mixturè to a boil, covèr, and rèducè hèat to low. Simmèr for about 15 minutès, or until pasta is tèndèr and most of thè liquid is absorbèd.
- Turn off thè hèat and stir in 1/2 cup of chèèsè. Sprinklè rèmaining chèèsè on top and covèr for about fivè minutès to allow chèèsè to mèlt. Top with slicèd scallions and sèrvè. (You could also broil for a couplè of minutès to mèlt thè chèèsè).
Gèt full instructions, visit Original Rècipè @ yellowblissroad.