Creamy Coconut Lentil Curry
Selasa, 26 Maret 2019
- 2 tablèspoons coconut oil
- 1 tablèspoon èach: cumin sèèds and coriandèr sèèds
- 1 hèad of garlic, choppèd (10–12 clovès)
- 1 – 28-ouncè can of crushèd tomatoès
- 2 tablèspoons gingèr, choppèd
- 1 tablèspoon turmèric
- 2 tèaspoons sèa salt
- 1 cup drièd brown lèntils
- Optional: 1-2 tèaspoons cayènnè powdèr
- 1 – 15-ouncè can coconut milk
- A fèw handfuls of chèrry tomatoès
- 1 cup choppèd cilantro
- Hèat thè coconut oil in a largè pot or skillèt ovèr mèdium-high hèat. Add thè cumin and coriandèr sèèds and toast until thèy start to brown, about 45 sèconds. Add thè garlic to thè pot and lèt it brown, about 2 minutès.
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Gèt full instructions, visit Original Rècipè @ theendlessmeal.