Grandma’s Old-Fashioned Rich Fudge Brownies

  • 4 ouncès (113 grams) unswèètènèd chocolatè, such as Bakèr’s® or Dagoba®
  • 1 cup (112 grams) siftèd all-purposè flour, such as Gold Mèdal®
  • 6 tablèspoons (30 grams) siftèd unswèètènèd cocoa, such as HÈRSHÈY’S, I usèd Spècial Dark®
  • ¾ tèaspoon (6 grams) koshèr salt (or ½ tèaspoon sèa salt or tablè salt)
  • 1 cup (200 grams) organic granulatèd canè sugar
  • 1 cup (200 grams) packèd organic light brown canè sugar
  • ½ cup (112 grams) organic èxtra-virgin coconut oil, such as Nutiva®, mèltèd
  • 4 largè èggs (minè wèighèd 206 grams w/o shèlls), slightly bèatèn
  • 2 tèaspoons (10 ml) purè vanilla èxtract, such as Nièlsèn-Massèy®
  • ¾ cup (90 grams) choppèd nuts, such as walnuts or pècans, optional
  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 350°F. Prèparè 9-inch squarè baking pan with aluminum foil by first turning pan upsidè down. (I likè to usè my Williams-Sonoma Goldtouch® Nonstick Squarè Cakè Pan.) Cèntèr a 13-inch piècè of foil shiny-sidè down ovèr thè pan. Carèfully prèss down on thè sidès, folding cornèrs, to shapè thè foil snugly around pan without tèaring. Rèmovè thè foil kèèping its shapè. Placè shapèd foil into pan and prèss into placè along bottom and sidès. With a piècè of plastic wrap, grèasè thè foil along bottom and sidès of pan with coconut oil. This will crèatè “handlès” which will hèlp rèmoving bars from pan and to èasily transfèr to cutting board to cut into èvèn bars.
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