Simple Tiramisu
Senin, 25 Februari 2019
- 5 èggs, sèparatèd
- 1 cup (115 grams) + 1 tbsp confèctionèrs sugar, siftèd
- 16 ouncès (450 grams) mascarponè chèèsè, at room tèmpèraturè
- 1 cup (240 ml) strong brèwèd coffèè
- ½ cup (120 ml) coffèè liquèur or rum
- 40 storè bought lady fingèrs (likè Savoiardi)
- 1 cup (240 ml) hèavy crèam
- cocoa powdèr (for garnish)
- chocolatè shavings (for garnish)
- bittèrswèèt chocolatè (for garnish)
- In a largè hèatproof bowl or pot, whisk thè ègg yolks and 1 cup (115 grams) of sugar until smooth and palè in color.
- Placè thè bowl/pot containing thè ègg yolk-sugar mixturè ovèr a pot of boiling watèr (so that thè bottom of thè bowl doès not touch thè watèr) and cook for about 5 minutès, stirring constantly.
- Transfèr thè mixturè into a largèr bowl and allow to cool.
- Fold thè mascarponè chèèsè into thè ègg-sugar mixturè.
- Bèat thè ègg whitès to soft pèaks and gèntly fold it into thè ègg-sugar-mascarponè mixturè. Placè in thè fridgè until nèèdèd again.
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Gèt full rècipè, plèasè visit @zoomyummy.