Recipe For Snacks Onde The Typical Onde Mojokerto Indonesia

Recipe for How to Make Onde Onde Cake Once again we will share about the Recipe for Cake that is delicious to make on this day, namely Onde Onde Cake which we usually meet in Mojokerto, Indonesia

Apart from all that, it turns out that the ingredients for making Onde Onde Cake are also very easy to get, so hopefully on this day you can also make it at home. Well, if you are interested in making this Onde Onde Cake, let's continue reading the Recipe article on how to make this Onde Onde Cake until it's finished.

Onde Onde Cake Material:

250 grams of sticky rice flour
25 grams of sago flour
175 ml of warm coconut milk
1/4 tsp salt
100 grams of sesame, wash, drain and dry dry

Material Onde Onde Cake Contents:
200 grams of skinless green beans, soak 1 hour
150 grams of sugar
1 sheet of pandan leaves
50 ml of liquid coconut milk

How to make an Onde Onde Cake:
Fill: steam green beans until cooked, puree while hot. Mix with sugar and pandan leaves, spread over low heat while stirring until the dough can be shaped round, set aside.

Skin: mix all ingredients while stirring and give warm coconut milk little by little. Knead until it becomes a mold that can be formed. Share the average according to the number of contents, round and flat, give the mixture the contents close, rounded shape back.

Roll it over while gently pressing each dumpling sphere on sesame, fry it in a lot of oil that doesn't overheat until it's cooked brown, lift and drain.

source: aneka-buka-puasa

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